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zeta life转染原代大鼠肝细胞(IF6.684)相关文献报道
更新时间:2022-04-14   点击次数:408次


小干扰RNA转染,将原代肝细胞接种到6孔板或96孔板的含10% FBS Eagle培养基中,培养二十四几小时后,用100 nM的CHOP siRNA 或100 nM 阴性对照 siRNA (siNC) 使用美国Zeta Life公司Advanced DNA RNA转染试剂转染原代肝细胞(货号:AD600050,Zeta life,United

States)。 以下CHOP siRNA序列用于转5'-CAGUAUCUUGAGUCUAAUATT-3'和 5'-UAUUAGACUCAAGAUACUGTT-3' , 转染 24 h 后,将肝细胞放置于300 μM MCT 36 h,然后对细胞活力、Annexin-V/PI 染色或蛋白质印迹测定。

培养条件:选择美国Zeta Life公司胎牛血清(#z7181FBS-500)对原代肝细胞培养,并完成后期培养实验。

二、Small Interfering RNA Transfection 原文分享

Hepatocytes were seeded into 6-well plates or 96-well plates in Dulbecco’s Modifified Eagle Medium with 10% FBS. Twenty-four hours later, they were transfected with 100 nM of CHOP siRNA or 100 nM of negative control siRNA (siNC) using Advanced Transfection Reagent (Catalog No.: AD600050, Zeta life, United States) according to the manufacture’s protocol. The followingCHOP siRNA sequences were used for transfection: 5′-CAG

UAUCUUGAGUCUAAUATT-3′ (sense) and 5′-UAUUAG ACUCAAGAUACUGTT-3′ (antisense) After 24 h transfection, hepatocytes were exposed to 300 μM of MCT for another 36 h, followed by the cell viability assay, Annexin-V/PI staining, or western blotting

三、美国Zeta Life 公司与美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山校区联合开发用于哺乳动物细胞、活体动物转染的 Advanced DNA RNA 第三代多肽小分子转染试剂,此技术成为新的蛋白功能、免疫细胞及干细胞治疗、研发及生产的主要关键技术之一。




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